Monday, May 4, 2009

Deciduous animals

Eastern Chipmunk

Fat Dormouse

European Red Squirrel
American Bald Eagle Duckbill Platypus

Deciduous forests

Common Lime


The average annual temperature is 50° F and the average yearly rainfall about 30 to 60 inches .

Carpet Moss

4 organism food chain


Sunday, May 3, 2009

savanna animals



Nile Crocodile

Nigriceps Ant

Chacma Baboon


An average of about 10 to 30 inches of precipatation falls during this time of year. The savanna has a range of 68° to 86° F and in the winter it's just about 68° to 78° F .In the summer it's about 78° to 86° F.

4 organism food chain


Jackal Berry Tree CandelabraTree(midle) SenegalGumAcacia

rain forest animals

king cobra

vampire bat

wrangler pit viper
toco tocan golden lion tamarin

rain forests

An average of 50 to 260 inches (125 to 660 cm.) of rain falls yearly. The temperature in a rain forest barely gets any higher than 93 °F (34 °C) or falls below 68 °F (20 °C)the average humidity is between 77 and 88% and percipatation is often greater than 100 inches a year. There is usually a small season of smaller amounts of rain. In monsoonal places there is a real or full dry season and Almost all rain forests are near the equator.

4 organism food chain

king cobra--lizard--fly--fruit

Bengal Bamboo Bougainvillea coconut tree

desert animals

Sonoran Desert Toad

Cactus Wren Thorny Devil
Armadillo Lizard

Banded Gila Monster

Saturday, May 2, 2009

desert biom

Hot and Dry Deserts temperature go from 20 to 25° C and The highest temperature for Hot Desert ranges from 43.5 to 49° C. well Cold Deserts temperature in winter is about -2 to 4° C and in the summer it is 21 to 26° C a year.The amount of rainfall or precipatation in Hot and Dry Deserts and Cold Deserts is different. Hot and Dry Deserts usually have not alot of rainfall and concentrated precipatation in short periods between long periods with no rain. This is about out under 15 cm a year. Cold Deserts have lots of snow usually. They also have rain close to spring and this averages to be 15 - 26 cm a year.

Barrel Cactus
Chain Fruit Cholla Brittle Bush

4 organism food chain

pygmy owl--frog--fly--fruit

taiga animals and 4 organism food chain

red fox


4 organism food chain


Bald Eagle AmericanBlackBear Bob Cat


the temperature in the winter is about -54 to -1° C which is -65 to 30° F.the Temperature in the summer gets to be as low as -7° C which is 20° F and The high in summer can be up to 21° C or 70° F. The overall amount of precipitation in a whole year is about 30 - 85 cm or 12 - 33 in .

Balsam Fir Black Spruce Douglas-fir

Friday, May 1, 2009

tundra food chain and facts

tundra food chain,

polar bear--seal--fish--plankton


during the winter the averaging tempature is 18°F (farenheit) . During the summer the tempature ranges from 37° to 60°F. the average percipatation is about 6-10 inches which is mostly snow.

tundra plants

here is three tundra plants.

artic willow


artic moss




Thursday, April 23, 2009


harlequin duck


well lets start with the animals, the artic has an artic fox,caribou,ermie,grizzly bear,and the harlequin duck.


artic fox (left)

caribou (left)

grizzly bear